Virgin Records

In October 2013, Lumen teamed up with visual artists Sam Meech and Chris Paul Daniels to create a video installation for Virgin Records’ 40th anniversary art exhibition: 40 years of disruptions.

Creative Review featured the exhibition here or you can view images from the installation via Sam Meech’s photo archive here. Thanks to This is Real Art and Virgin Records.

Jimmy Choo

Jimmy Choo VICES Collection Dinner

In September 2014, we were commissioned by British luxury fashion accessories brand, Jimmy Choo Limited & artist Mat Collishaw to create large-scale crystals, from a mixture of video / projection mapping to cover polystyrene sculpture. The stunning installation was part of a collaboration with the British artist, Mat Collishaw and Jimmy Choo to launch their Cruise 2015 VICES collection.

Jimmy Choo VICES dinner - Atmosphere 3

This installation was one of most complex projections we have tackled to date, utilising over 24 7,000 lumen HD projectors in order to map some of the crystal shapes, some of which were over 8m tall. This larger-than-life creation was used to help launch Jimmy Choo’s first London store in October 2014.

Jimmy Choo VICES Collection Dinner

Thanks go to our partners Urban Projections, along with Mat Collishaw & studio and Jimmy Choo.




Kidderminster Arts

Bloom was a projection mapping installation project led by Urban Canvas and Urban Projections which happened at Kidderminster Arts Festival in 2012.

Projector installation and mapping was project managed by Lumen. Content created by Bec Smith at Urban Projections.

This was a community-inspired project where groups in Kidderminster fed ideas and imagery into what became the final video installation, which was screened live onto Crown House in Kidderminster via 55,000 lumens of projection power!